The Burning Bob

- even Bobs in the wild ...

When it's Friday night and you have a week of lusers to forget, it's not enough to just drink your Burning Bob. No, you have to take silly photos as well. We made sure to pick somewhere with suitable reserves of Sxxy Deth Chyx to be impressed with our manly drinking of things that are on fire: the Blue Velvet Bar in Collingwood, Melbourne.

Our test subjects are Simon Stainsby (tortured daily by domain lusers), Nile Evil Bastard (who will personally be turning Dave Cutler's spit in Hell for inventing NT[1]) and Lev Lafayette (whose lusers are ... politicians). Our esteemed and congenial host is Blue Velvet BBarmanFH Cameron Jones. Sxxy Deth Chyx played by Megan and Wendy.

(Nile wishes to brag at this point that in these shots he is wearing his official 1994 alt.gothic net.goth T-shirt. From back when net.goth meant Usenet, dammit!)

Photos by sxxy deth chyk Miss Alexandra.

[Pouring the Bob - 20K JPEG]

1. Cameron lovingly pours the Kahlua, soon to be followed by the chartreuse.

[Simon, Nile and Lev, drinks ready - 20.5K JPEG]

2. Simon, Nile and Lev, unlit Bobs at the ready. Nile aligns his soul before the ordeal ahead. Note ice-water chaser behind each unlit Bob. Do not forget this!

[Simon lights up - 21.5K JPEG]

3. Simon lights his drink! Nile spurs him on to ever greater heights of lighting achievement. Note Simon's calm, methodical demeanour in setting his Bob aflame.

[Nile kills "Bob" - 24K JPEG]

4. Nile defeats the Bob and the crowd goes wild! Behind Nile is Cameron, admiring his handiwork. Note highly impressed sxxy deth chyx at either end of photo!

[Do not melt Happy Fun Bob's straw - 24K JPEG]

5. Lev hesitates a fatal second too long, and his straw melts just after this shot is taken. An unfortunate end to a once promising political career.

* Oh, all right, there might be a bit of a queue.
[The Burning Bob] [Nile's page]